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Art2Heart is run by grass-roots local organization JCI Eastern. It invites primary school aged children to participate in art based activities. They will learn to use different art materials, collaborate, build their self- esteem and work within a fun, positive and creative environment.

Art forms that have been explored in previous years include felting, glass art, pottery, performing arts and cartoon. Each week the session will be run by two local professional artists who will guide the students in the process of their art form and will help them to create mini master pieces. The programme will conclude with an exhibition of the artwork from all the sessions and the celebration will include a presentation session in front of family and friends.

This is a nourishing and supportive environment with plenty of adult supervision and as such we would welcome a wide range of students and would encourage submissions from mixed ability,

underprivileged and students with special needs.

The programme is free of charge to successful nominees and we invite you as parents, guardians and teachers to nominate your child or student towards this award winning progamme.

We are also excited to announce that in 2018 we will be running for the first time a programme for children from the ages of 2 to 5 and for prep grades 1 and 2 as one off events. This will allow our younger budding artists to participate and enjoy a taste of what the full Heart2Art programme has to offer.

The programme will run on the Saturday xxx to xxxx.

We busy planning for another great year of Art2Heart, our dynamic team of volunteers is busy putting together this great program which is going to be bigger than ever!

Art2Heart is run by grass-roots local organization JCI Eastern. It invites primary school aged children to participate in art based activities. They will learn to use different art materials, collaborate, build their self- esteem and work within a fun, positive and creative environment.

If you would like to help plan this event or nominate a student to participate just send us a message.

2. Ever wondered how Visual and Performing Arts can help children and adults alike felt included and connected with those around them. This article is an interesting read;

The Arts communicate in non-linguistic, expressive ways, culturally, and through symbol and metaphor (Wiggans, 2009; Wright, 2003) Wright highlights the non-linguistic nature of artistic expression and communication stating that the Arts ‘involve expressive and symbolic modes of thinking, understanding and knowing, and communicate ideas in a unique manner … they enable us to “say” things to each other that cannot be expressed in any other way’ (Wright, 2003, p.17). 

3. Our sister chapter in Fujioka Japan held their first Art2Heart Program in 2016 after a visit to JCI Eastern and a chance to be involved in one of our Art2Heart sessions. Its awesome to see this great program being run on an international level, it just goes to show that a small idea can have a global impact thanks to JCI!  #Art2Heart  #jcierocks   #JCITakesYouPlaces

4. As adults we often forget the joys of being creative, we are so pressed for time working, caring for children and running household their is little time for art. Making time however to be creative whether it be painting, drawing, doodling in an adult coloring book or simply playing music creative outlets can actually boost your overall productivity and mental health. These a just few of the benefits of spending time being creative described by artist Juliet Davies; 

Distracts from other worries – it is hard to dwell on troubles once in the flow of a painting. It has the power to engage you so fully, bringing you into the present moment.

Reduces stress – studies show that both creating and observing art can reduce cortisol, the 'stress hormone'*. Doing something you love also releases endorphins – feel-good chemicals that combat stress and reduce pain.

Builds self-esteem – I feel anything but confident as I start each project. Painting provides a challenge and with each hour I paint, I am building skills. It is an activity with a tangible result and the more I dedicate myself, slowly but surely, the more I can see improvement and feel a sense of achievement.

Creates a healthy state of mind - participants in a 2014 study who produced art demonstrated: 'a significant improvement in psychological resilience' as well as increased levels of "functional connectivity" in the parts of the brain responsible for introspection, self-monitoring and memory. The study, involving participants aged between 62 and 70, also concluded that creating artwork can delay ageing.

Ink Sketch - Jessie Bleakley 2018

5. JCI Eastern provides young people with opportunities to try their hand at something new in an encouraging and supportive environment.  Its easy to get stuck in a rut in your study or workplace mixing only with those who do the same things and think in the same ways you do. By working alongside a group of young people who are equally devoted to empowering other young people and creating meaningful and lasting positive change in their communities I find am challenged to grow personally and professionally and I am always learning new skills. If you would like a new challenge or to network with others outside of your field please send us a message and we will be in touch.

6. Check out this TedTalks which discusses the ways that art can be empowering.

Our award winning art based program gives local students the opportunity to learn new art forms. This year we are so excited to announce we will run Art2Heart for students aged 9 -12 years over the Saturday morning of Aug, a session for 2-4 years with tactile and messy play and also a session for Primary school students 5 - 8. Do you know someone who would enjoy this program, nominate them now!


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